EagleData short reference

About the main window:


The listview is a simple table that lists your data. It is the fastest to work with.

You can add a new record with the "+"-button in the upper right corner, by choosing "Database->New Record" from the menu or by pressing "cmd-n" on your keyboard.

Klick on one of the headers in the list to sort your data.

What is the "filter" for? It is for quickly finding what you are looking for. Simply type some letters into the filter-field and all records that contain those letters somewhere are displayed.


If the listview is not flexible enough for you, you can define your own layouts and tell EagleData exactly how you would like to see your data.

A layout is a specific view at your data. You can have many different layouts for a database.

E.g. if you have an address database you can have a "phonebook" layout where only the names and phonenumbers are shown in addition to the standard layout. You can easily switch between layouts using the popup menu.

There are three buttons next to the list popup:

EagleData automatically creates a "Standard" layout whenever you change the settings. All of the other layouts you create must be adapted by hand when you change the settings since EagleData can´t know how you would like to see your data.

Simply drag the fields from the list on the left into the layout area to the right. If you want to add text, drag the "A". If you want to add a line, drag the line symbol.

To delete anything from the layout, select it and press the delete key.


by popular demand, here is a step by step description how to create labels:

If you have trouble with any of the above steps please let me know so that I can try to explain it better.


This is where you define what fields you would like to have in your database.

If you want to change the fieldorder later on, simply drag the fields into the desired order.

Menu reference:



Creates a new Database.


Opens an existing EagleData file.


Opens a cvs-file and creates a new database.


Imports a csv-file into an existing database.


Closes the current database window.


Saves the changes to disc.

Save as

Saves the database under a different name.


Exports your data as csv, tabtext or html-table.

Page Setup

Lets you define the print settings.


Prints the currently listed records using the current layout.

Print Labels

Prints the currently listed records as labels. How many labels fit in a row is defined by the "width"-parameter in the layout-editor.


Quits the program.


New record

Adds a new, empty record to the database.

Duplicate record

Adds a new record to the database that contains the data of the currently selected record.


Lets you search the database for specific records.


Lets you sort the database. (You can also click on a header in the Listview to get the sort-dialog.)

Show all

Lists all records.

Show selection

Lists only the selected records.

Hide selection

Lists only the not-selected records.

Invert selection

Inverts the selection. (Deselects all selected records and selects all records that are not selected)

Set value

Lets you insert/append a value in/to all currently listed records.


Writes a serial number into all currently listed records into one of the fields. The previous contents of that field will be overwritten!


Deletes the selected records.

Reset Windows

Moves all windows to the main screen

Hidden feature:
You can store links to websites/files/mail-addresses in a textfield and click on the fieldname in the input-layout to open the link.

If you have any questions, feel free to mail me